Product Code: 6V6092155

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Product Description
If very often happens to you that your SKODA vehicle is overfilled with luggage, it is time to provide your car a tow bar. Detachable tow bar for FABIA 3rd generation varies based on vehicle model, on which the tow bar is installed; the governing data can be found in the Certificate of Registration of the respective vehicle. Tow arm with the ball pin can be removed without any complications in case of non-using, so it doesn't disturb the car design. The maximal vertical static load on ball pin is 75 kg. The electric components have to be ordered separately. The tow bar has been manufactured according to approved documentation and complies with ECE E1 55R-012101 homologation. Products associated with installation: 6V0 055 204 "“ electric components with 13-pin socket, for cars with LHD or RHD, for cars without preparation
Maximum towing weight: Trailer with brakes "“ up to 1200 kg (the trailer weight limit listed in the registration book still applies). Trailer without brakes "“ up to 600 kg (the trailer weight limit listed in the registration book still applies).
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SKODA TowingSKODA Warranty
12 months